Lesson Plan - Grade 2
Standard - Writing W.2.5 -Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action.
Class read alouds.
OBJECTIVES This lesson is designed to expand primary students' summarizing skills. In this lesson, students will summarize Arthur Writes a Story by Marc Brown. First, they will work in groups to complete assigned parts of a story map; Characters, Setting, Beginning, Event 1, Event 2, Conclusion. Then, they will summarize the entire story as a class. Finally, they will create their own summary picture books to help them summarize the story.
Make a story map together as a class and tape the story map
across the front board.
For students who need more help, use this lesson plan using
stories that students already know well.
If additional support is needed, use the previous
summarizing lesson plans, and use different books. Encourage students to make
"summary books" of stories that you read aloud to them throughout the
year and have them share their summaries with other classes to encourage other
students to read the same wonderful books your students are reading in class.
Remind them that their summaries should always be shorter
than the real book because a summary only includes the most important
information about a story. (short and Sweet)
For students who are struggling writers, tell them that they
can draw whatever they want that reminds them of their section for their story
Strategies: Detailed descriptions specific teaching strategies that can be used
with any level of student and in any subject.Activities
First, you'll ask them to break into groups and fill in one
part of a story map, without too much of your help, about Arthur Writes a Story.
Second, you'll ask
them to help you put the parts of the story map in order.
Third, they will summarize Arthur Writes a Story to you as a class.
Fourth, you are going to give them "book" pages on
which they will write and draw about Arthur Writes a Story. They
will use their books to summarize the story for their family members. Remind
them that their summaries should always be shorter than the real book because a
summary only includes the most important information about a story. It should
be "short and sweet."

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