Tuesday, February 10, 2015

"Khan/Koller Review"

-When you visited the site, was it something you envisioned using yourself?
Yes, I love the idea. I even went as far as doing some algebra problems. I like how the website gives a student hints if the student wants. Plus it even goes as far as teaching the problem step by step on the video. This gives a student extra time to watch the video if they aren’t sure of an answer or ahead. The student can work at his or her own pace.
 - Is it something you could imagine encouraging your students to use?
I would defiantly encourage students to use this. I think it this would be could be such asset for struggling student so they could move at their own pace or advanced students.
 -After perusing some of the videos on the site, did you think they were easy to follow and learn from?
I think the videos were easy to follow and I would definitely use them. I am not a math person but the videos could make a huge difference for some students that just need the extra time to learn.
 -Do you believe that Salman Khan is right when he says that in the future, we will rely more on "credentialing" through the use of online courses? Do you think this st tudents move at their own paceyle of education makes learning more accessible for more students? If so, why? If not, Why?
I do think Khan is correct when he says that in the future we were rely on “credentialing” through the use of online courses. Yes, the online education makes education learning more accessible for more students. For the best results it should be combined with classroom learning. You must be highly motivated to learn strictly online.
When you explore the coursera course offerings, what course looks most interesting to you?
I looked at the Introduction to Clinical Neurology course. It is an overview of the relevant aspects of the epidemiology, clinical presentation, basic disease mechanisms, diagnostic approaches and treatment options of the most common neurological diseases. The course did state that you should know the basic function of the brain and how each section (lobe) worked.
 -Does Columbus State accept Coursera transfer credits?
 CSCC does not offer credit transfer at this time but you can receive a certificate from using Coursea courses.
 -Do Coursera courses appear to be more challenging or more interesting thank those you've experienced before? If yes, why? If not, why? Either way, could your opinion have something to do with WHO is teaching the Coursera courses?
I don’t believe that Coursera course are more challenging or more interesting because they lack real individuals that may have a different perspective. It seems that your course work would be boring without the interaction of students and a professor. Although it would be great for homework. It would be like you had your own private tutor.
 - Do you think that MOOCs (massive open online courses) are the "wave of the future"? How do you think MOOCs might change the way a student like you would receive their education?
Maybe they will be the “wave of the future” but for now they have a lot of kinks to work out, for example, cheating. I think it would be harmful for students to only receive their education only online. Everyone needs interaction with real people.

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