Friday, April 17, 2015
storybird homework assignment
After you read the story write a summary of the events that take place. Don't forget the beginning, middle, and end.
Summarize a Story with Rita Booker -
This is a fun story about "how to summarize a story". If you have a extra time take a look.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
"My Technology Lesson Plan”
Lorrie Kondas
K-3 Language Arts
EDUC 2220- Educational Technology Lesson
Common Core Standards:
RL.K2.1a Ask and answer who, what, where, when or how
questions to demonstrate
understanding of text.
RL.K2.2a Retell fables, folktales or other stories
including the central message and supporting
RL.2.7a Use information gained from the illustrations and
words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its
characters, setting, or plot.
W.K2.5a With guidance and support, revise writing to
maintain focus on a topic.
W.K2.3a Generate text to communicate a sequence of events
that tell a story.
RL.K2.7a Use illustrations and text to describe the
characters, setting or events from a story.
SL.K2.1a Participate in group discussions about
grade-level/age-appropriate topics and text.
• Follow agreed upon rules (e.g., gaining attention,
listening to others, turn-taking)
• Ask questions for clarification.
SL.K2.5a Add visuals or audio to enhance a presentation
and clarify details presented orally.
Lesson Summary:
The purpose of this
lesson plan: focus on summarizing skills. Students will summarize the text
used in class read aloud.
Estimated Duration:
This lesson will be
broke up into 4 days although the first day will be the pre-assessment and
not included in my lesson planning time but I will allow 15 to 20 for the
first day for the pre-assessment.
The second day I will
begin with an introduction of new vocabulary and “the hook”. Students will
participate by providing teacher with a summary of her story. The total time for
this lesson is 125 to 135 minutes and it will be broke into 3 days. The final
day will require extra time so the students can use the computer lab,
estimated time 35 to 45 minutes.
Commentary: To create interest in this lesson plan: I
will create my own tall-tale. My story will include many details and I will
make it very dramatic. Then I will chose students to recall my story. Telling
us only the important parts. Remind them to keep it short and sweet. The
challenges I anticipate: students will summarize the story with too many
details. I will allow extra time for this portion.
Day One: Pre-Assessment 15 to 20 minutes
Read a book that you have already read and discussed
in class. Give a blank story map and have students fill in the blanks. As
students as completing the paper walk around and access each student’s
knowledge of a story map. Afterward grade together as a class so students can
make corrections.
Day Two
Step one: 20 minutes
First: Introduce new
vocabulary- tall-tale. Ask the students if they can recall any tall-tales
that they have read.
Second: Begin the
“hook”. Tell the students that you are going to tell them a story about the
worst weather they have ever experienced. I will give students many details
and make the story very dramatic. Example, how I went on a boat trip and it
was a beautiful sunny day. I could see the sun glistening on the water. After
we were out to sea a storm popped up… out of nowhere. We lost power on the
boat… we were stranded at sea for days without food or water…
Step two: 20 minutes
Have the students take
turns retelling the story. Be sure to record each student. Keep calling on
students until someone retells only the important parts. After each student
tries remind them to keep it short and sweet. I will continue until someone
gives me a short summary.
Day 3: After discussion of a summary introduce
students to the story map on the board. Explain how this will help guide
Step One: 20 minutes
Have the class move their chairs into a semi-circle
grouped by two’s.
Introduce the text Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
by Judi Barrett.
Begin your read aloud. Remember to stop and talk
throughout the read aloud. Be sure to have stop and talks that relate to the
story map on the board. Throughout the story have the class I will…
Step Two: 30 minutes
Have students return to their desks. In groups of four
have students discuss and complete the story map that you have provided for
them. Tell students be sure to use the example on the board. Teacher will
access students by walking around to each group and listening to their ideas.
If needed, teacher will guide students in the right direction. Afterwards
each student should have completed their story map handout. The story map
will help students tomorrow when they create their digital story map.
Day 4:
Students will create and illustrate a summary book of
their very own. Students will share their book with the class. Finally,
students will take their books home to share with their families.
35 to 45 minutes
15 to 20 minutes
I will use my day one
lesson plan because it is my pre-assessment.
Read a book that you have already read and discussed in
class. Give a blank story map and have students fill in the blanks. As
students as completing the paper walk around and assess each student’s
knowledge of a story map. Afterward grade together as a class so students can
make corrections.
Point Value Points
Earned Criteria
10 Summarize
text without help
20 Can
complete a Story map and Jigsaw method (10 each)
10 Understands
the 5 W’s- who what when where why (2 points each)
10 Understand
the difference between retelling a story or to summarize a story
Have students create
their own summary video on Go Animate of their favorite book.
I will use a rubric as
my Post-assessment. Total project will be worth 50 points.
Differentiated Instructional Support
Describe how instruction can be differentiated
(changed or altered) to meet the needs of gifted or accelerated students: The text level could be changed depending on
the students reading level. This could make the lesson easier or harder.
Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the
needs of students who might be struggling with the material: Review the story
map using an easier text.
This is a great website
has printouts for different types of story maps:
This is a great website
to learn more about summarizing.
Homework Options and Home Connections: Students will share their summary books at home with their family. Interdisciplinary Connections
Science: you could discuss
deferent types of weather and create weather charts.
Art: Have student illustrate
a book cover for their favorite book.
Materials and Resources:
Key Vocabulary
story map
Additional Notes
If students are working at a faster pace have them select
their favorite book to create an additional story map.
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